Tbh I had something totally different planned for today’s post, but one goal I have with my blog is to focus less on constantly talking about business, and instead focus a little more on sprinkling in a dose of lifestyle inspiration. ‘Cause seriously, I think this is such a neglected part of online business.
Less hustle and a little more heart: who’s with me?
Today let’s chat about some easy ways we can make this October our best yet.
And no, I don’t mean ensuring we make the most money this month, or that we land a major client, or that we suddenly accomplish a monumental goal we’ve been chasing for months.
While of course these things are all important and worthy of our time, it’s also equally important to make sure we’re taking care of ourselves. Positive mindset means better productivity, yeah?
Here are 5 super simple things you can start implementing today, so you can have a happy and healthy fall season:
1) Embrace Fall
Even if you’re more of a summer girl, I’ve never known anyone to turn their nose up to apple picking, pumpkin spiced lattes, haunted houses, and the sound of crunching leaves. Take the time to actually enjoy this season. Make a list of some traditional fall activities you’ve been dying to do, and then actually do them. Don’t just talk about it, do it. You don’t have to do everything, but just checking off a few items on your bucket list will give you that little dose of fall joy that we all need.
2) Work life balance is key
Whether traditional fall activities are your cup of tea or not, it’s still super important to get your work life balance in order, meaning it’s essential that you become more aware of your own capabilities. Some people can push themselves when it comes to their work, while others just might require more breaks in order to be productive. Ain’t nothing wrong with that, my friends. I definitely fall into that second camp of needing to take breaks. Trust me, once you train your brain to recognize when you’re being lazy versus needing to take a breather, your productivity will skyrocket.
3) Set healthy habits now
Awesome vegetarian breakfast spot in Denver called City Oh City. Highly recommend
Think of this time of year as your pre-holiday season. We may not have baked goods and wine covering every surface just yet, but there’s still apple pies and Halloween candy to be had, right? So set your healthy habits into motion now! If you do, you’ll likely be in much better shape once the holiday season rolls around (pun intended). Drink plenty of water, rethink that second chocolate bar, and get your booty to the gym. Do this and you’ll be much more inclined to tackle whatever comes your way this fall.
4) Check in with yourself
One thing I like to do on a fairly regularly basis is check in with myself. No, I don’t mean I schedule monthly meetings with myself to chat (how weird would that be?), but every once in awhile, I like to assess where I am in my life, and what I could be doing differently to increase my happiness.
The tendency here might be to get negative with yourself (I’m not making enough money, I hate my job, I don’t know what I’m doing with my life, etc., etc.), but in order to avoid this negativity, start with the things you’re grateful for, along with the things that you know you are doing well. This gets your mindset into a positive space. From there, come up with actionable things you can implement into your life to push those positives even further. While it might be good to have big goals and dreams, sometimes it’s even better to just focus on the little things that you can implement right now. It’s those small things that will have the biggest impact.
5) Step outside your comfort zone
As somebody who loves, loves, loves her little bubble of comfort, this is one I really struggle with. Having said that, I also know that when I step outside that bubble, I always notice a change in my happiness. Significantly so.
Start small: work in a coffee shop instead of at home, go for lunch with an old friend, plan a weekend trip to somewhere you’ve never been. Trust me, while the discomfort will suck at first, once you settle in and get past your own insecurities, you’ll feel like you’ve conquered something monumental.
So, who’s ready to really tackle October? I know I am, and for me that means being prepared to work, but also means being prepared to be kind to myself. Too often we’ll beat ourselves up for not being good enough, when really, focusing on that kind of negativity only makes things so much worse.
Positivity always, always, always wins, ladies. Plain and simple. So be kind to yourself today, okay?
‘Cause yup, you totally deserve it.
And if you know some other totally deserving girlbosses in your life, feel free to share this image on Pinterest to spread some positivity their way
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